A universal film dictionary

Cinematography, Film

Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace: Cinematography and Eye Candy

Hey folks! Let’s countdown to Star Wars 9 and enjoy nostalgic moments from the previous films. Last 8 days.

Here is some eye candy I prepared for you from the 1st Film.

Visually Stunning Space Images

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Interior Locations with Depth

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Naboo Spaceship Hangar

(a)Bright Day Interior Lighting 

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Jedi Council Meeting

(b)Sunset Interior Lighting

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Anakin’s evaluation



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Supporters at the Mos Espa Race

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Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi

City with a Soul


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Theed: Capital of Naboo in Daylight


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Theed at night

Soul of the City portrayed through cinematography:

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Peace celebrations

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