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The Witcher: Cringe but Worth Watching

The Witcher series released by Netflix has been hyped up for so long due to the video games and the books written by Andrzej Sapkowski. After binge watching 8 episodes back to back the conclusion is that it is definitely worth watching. However, beware there will be moments of cringe, boredom and lots of confusion.

Here is why:

Cheesy Love Scenes

The love between the characters feel superficial at times and there are moments you might think: ‘What the hell did I just watch?’ and cannot decide if the scene was supposed to be funny or romantic. Another flaw is how fast the romanticism escalates without any genuine connection. This is unfortunately the case with each ”couple” in the series. To give an example, characters flying into air while kissing due to the ”power” of their love just feels too cliché!

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The Endless Repetition of Destiny

The Law of Surprise and destiny are two factors which help the plot progress forward. So what is it? Basically, if someone is rescued by another person, the rescued person offers them a favor, which the other person ”claims”. Conclusion: they are now destined for each other… 

In this case, our main character Geralt of Rivia’s offer is Ciri. So this is how the two are linked in the series and destined to find each other. This destiny factor is used throughout the whole series as a cliffhanger, the viewer just waiting for the two characters to unite without really knowing why.  We just know that the Law of Surprise says so and this is repeated endlessly throughout the series becoming a bore at times. Okay, we get it they are destined for each other!

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Confusing Time Line

There are 3 timelines in the series. It is at times hard to follow because Geralt of Rivia does not age and there is no way of knowing which era he is in except trying to figure it out the whole time. So be aware of this fact before watching it to avoid major confusion.

Here is a link explaining the timeline: Netflix’s The Witcher Timeline Explained

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Apart from some of the things we have listed, if you are a fan of fantasy with witches, creatures and medieval stuff, then The Witcher is a good watch. It will definitely remind you of Game of Thrones at times with worse dialogue and less character depth but it is nevertheless fun to watch!

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