A universal film dictionary


Star Wars Episode IV- A New Hope: 3 Reasons Why You Should See Episodes I,II, and III First

Countdown to SW9. Last 4 days!

In day 4 of our countdown, we will touch upon a very debated topic: which movies should I see first? Should I see them in real time chronological order  (IV,V,VI,I,II,III) OR the film’s chronological time (I,II,III,IV,V,VI)?

Having the experience of trying to watch IV first and giving up several times, then finally watching it in the film’s chronological order, here is 3 reasons why I think you should watch I,II,III first.

1.Character Sympathy

Knowing the background of the characters really makes the watching Episode IV more enjoyable. The effect of ‘dramatic irony’ (knowing things about the characters that they don’t know themselves) also doubles the fun. Added on top of that, a sympathy is felt for every figure, even Darth Vader because we know his story, the past and everything which has led him to be who his is now.

 2. Everything Makes More Sense

Unless you’re a hard core fan and know everything beforehand, you will be pretty much lost during Episode IV if you haven’t seen the previous 3 Episodes. Once you have the background information and know about the political turmoil the movie is based on, then everything makes so much more sense and you actually enjoy the story.

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3. Comparing Visual Effects

This one is a little personal. Having seen the first 3 and the amazing visual effects, it is always fun as a filmmaker to make visual effect comparisons between the trilogies. And you actually realize how great the cinematography and visual effects are in Episode IV for a movie that was filmed in 1977. (Some were renewed but still…)

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Apart from that, the costumes and the attitude of the figures feel very nostalgic and ‘old’. This feeling is in a good sense and makes the film even more enjoyable not because it is amateur but because it is nostalgic.

This is felt in every inch of this scene with the music, costumes and attitude of the creatures:

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So if you really want to enjoy SW Episode IV, I suggest seeing the first 3 films first!

May the force be with you friends..


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