A universal film dictionary


Star Wars Episode VI- The Return of the Jedi: Memorable Humorous Scenes

Countdown to SW9. Last 2 days! In day 6 of our countdown, we will discuss some of the characters and memorable scenes that make us laugh. The humorous potential these scenes carry are unforgettable. They balance out the dramatic scenes which have a deep profound effect on the soul.

Han Solo

This character was literally created for moments of relief for the audience. His sarcasm and sense of humor really brightens up the mood.

When the crew is accepted as a part of the tribe his reaction is so genuine it cracks us up:

“That’s what I always wanted.”

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Another funny scene is when he starts doubting whether Leia loves Luke and not him. His naive approach makes the viewer laugh “I will let you two go, its okay you go on”.We are facing a dramatic irony situation where we know a truth and the character doesn’t making the scene humorful.

R2-D2/C-3PO & Chewbacca

These guys are the salt and pepper of this film. A memorable funny moment is when Princess Leia is captured by Jabba these guys react so subtly it is hilarious.

“I can’t stand watching this!”

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These characters in total mount to the parallel story beside Luke facing Darth Vader. The plot is played out smartly creating a balance between drama and comedy. By creating these humorful moments, the film successfully balances out the drama of the central conflict while creating sympathy for the side characters. 

Ha ha!


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