A universal film dictionary


Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens: History Repeating itself or Studios Running out of Ideas?

Countdown to SW9. Last 1 day! In day 7 of our countdown, we will ponder deep into the sequels and try to understand the recurring themes and tropes. Are these tropes more than tropes or do they really live up to their meaning within the film?

Mysterious Sympathetic Powerful Awesome Girl

Who is this Rey girl at the center of the film? We only know that her family has left her and she waits for their return. But as she waits, she is driven along a sequence of events which lead her to discover the Jedi within her. Wow! That happened fast didn’t it? So, the Jedi training which is pretty serious and takes a long time just happens to develop in this character by itself. However, the mystery behind the character adds only to the lack of depth overall.

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Father Son Confrontation

Yet another father son confrontation in another generation. This time the father is trying to pull his son back to the good side. However, this confrontation ends in a surprise.

Yes! You have done it! You have given the audience something different than the previous father son confrontation. But it still has no depth, no feeling and no purpose.

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Dark Notorious Evil  Character

Supreme Leader Snoke. The name says it all, he is the darkest of the dark. The most evil man behind every evil ever known. So we have yet another recurring evil character whom other evil characters blindly obey. Another trope, played well but it only makes us miss Counselor Palpatine.

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So, although the recurrence of the old characters make us nostalgic at moments and yearn for the good old movies, it does not help save the overall mood of the movie . The tropes and repetition of the same events give us a Déjà-vu and unfortunately not much more.


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