A universal film dictionary


Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

The final film of the sequel really did bring back the balance.  It balances out the emptiness in the film by filling it in with sprinkles of SW dust. From beginning  to end, we are fed with every inch of value that the Star Wars movies stand for. However, on the other hand, there were many glitches that a rigid watcher would not miss.


On the last review of our countdown for the awaited final film, lets focus on the good ‘forces’ which made this film definitely worth watching.

It was 3D

One can never talk about SW without implying the beauty of the visuals, space and affects. Of course now it is 2019, Disney has billions of dollars. So why not give the viewer the best of eye candy they deserve? The stunning traveling scenes through space in  3D do not only take you to other galaxies but makes you also ponder deeply about technology, power and development.

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Old but Gold

Seeing the legendary characters on screen whether they are CGI or not is always a blast. It never misses out to playing with feelings of nostalgia. Luke’s short appearance, hearing Yoda and other Jedi voices calling out to Rey through the distance doubles the profound affect and gives us hope. Of course, there is always hope and that is exactly the message that this film is trying to give and actually does successfully.

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Soul & Meaning

The film does justice to the core values that SW holds. The backbone is there and a new story has been developed and ends well within the story itself. (Not in relation to the whole SW series) Many things still can be questioned but the film manages well to pull the end off with a sacrifice that Kylo Ren makes and the ‘good’ order is restored. The jubilant end even helps forget some of the nonsense that is felt throughout the film so thumbs up for the ending!

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PS: There is no extra scene or Baby Yoda after the credits so no need to wait until the end unless you enjoy the music:)



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