A universal film dictionary

Cinematography, Film

Contagion: A Little Mirror of the Current Corona Crisis

Contagion (2011, Soderbergh) offers an interesting overview of the current situation the world is going through with the Corona virus. The film was made 9 years ago but the story is strong enough to shed some light on the current events .

Here are some similarities which can be found in the film and the situation now, and of course a little reminder: similarity does not mean that these things will also happen now as exactly seen in the film.

  1. Death Shock

What is so interesting to observe in the great acting carried out in this film is the emotions the actors carry in moments of realizations. The acting is so well-played that although tragic, the display of emotion is very relatable to what the world is going through right now. The moment of shock, fear of losing loved ones, and the moment it becomes a reality… Each and every day, we feel the risk and stress of someone we know potentially being infected.

The moment Mitch (Matt Damon) is told his wife has passed away.
  1. First World Problems

The core story in the film is about the family and the mother who brought the virus to the United States. How the teenage daughter is affected by the epidemic reflects some ” first world problems” currently.

There are millions of people struggling with situations like job loss, hunger, homelessness etc. while there are also people struggling with boredom, lack of entertainment, lack of sport etc.

The daughter is worried about the boring days that have to pass until she gets the vaccination and is really upset because she has to wait 144 more days for it.

  1. Human Contact

The necessity of human contact and the importance of a basic hand shake is so well portrayed in the cinematography in the film.

One particular scene here highlights how essential a little handshake is even though we may take it for granted, it symbols safety. Dr. Ellis Cheever explains how it was invented to give the message that you are not carrying a weapon.

People are currently already missing contact with their friends and loved ones because it makes us feel safe. There may be digital alternatives but it can never replace the good old touch.

So to sum up, these are some essential points and similarities the film very well portrays which can mirror some aspects in our current epidemic. If you are interested in seeing these similarities yourself definitely see the film but don’t forget it is only a film!

Stay Healthy!

1 Comment

  1. It’s been a while since I’ve seen it. Will have to wait a bit before rewatching it. Certain things may be rough for me to rewatch

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