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Cinematography, Film

Tenet: Cinematography of Inversion and Temporality

AND Nolan does it again: plays up with temporal structures masterfully and creates an atmosphere so breathtaking that even when the film is over on screen, it is not over in the mind.

Here are 3 spoiler-free reasons why you should not miss out on this film.

  1. Music and Rhythm

The first seconds of the film immediately capture the viewer’s attention through the rhythmic atmosphere created through the music. The beats and action on screen can literally be felt through systematically moving through the body. A round of applause to the sound department and score by Ludwig Göransson and Travis Scott.

  1. Inversion Scenes

One of the best and most intriguing moments in the film are the scenes played out through moments of time inversion. Even if you have no clue what this means in the beginning, the visuals suffice in giving the viewer an optimal way of seeing what is meant by inversion and the affect of tenet. Particularly, the fighting scenes and car riding scenes are so intense at times that you forget to breathe. Backward motions, fidgety characters and reversed speech all create a unified idea of what an inversion would feel cinematographically on screen.

  1. Acting

Acting, acting and acting! From the Protagonist to the antagonist, the actors in this film fit each role almost perfectly . The friendship/partnership between the Protagonist and Neil (Robert Pattinson) is very organic and genuinely played. Their conversations serve to explain the core issues the film deals with sufficiently. Beware of a touchy scene though!


If you are interested in the relationship between cause and affect, time and free will, there are stunning dialogues waiting for you to boggle with the mind!

Finally, although the film industry is going through tough times due to Corona, it does not stop directors from putting their work out there and thankfully Christopher Nolan is one of the skillful directors whose work is worth seeing.

Stay Healthy keep watching, reading and enjoy!

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