A universal film dictionary



When the first Turkish workers came to Germany in the 1960’s they all had one thing in mind that never happened: to return back. Cem Kaya’s documentary Aşk Mark ve Ölüm (Love, Deutschmarks and Death, 2022) takes a closer look on how this nostalgic feeling connected the minority community through music and entertainment.

From the first generation to the current, the documentary film takes the viewer through the years of transformation of music with humor and strong emotions. There are many themes in the lyrics that the Turkish community bonds through: missing home, pain of love and being subject to racism.

Nostalgia for Homeland

The initial songs written mainly revolve around missing their families, loved ones and homeland. They carry an oriental tune and are played with traditional instruments. The first part of the documentary carries us through the artists, cassettes and adds bits of humor with footage showing how people were treated when they first came to Germany.

Longing for Love

Love, marriage and weddings become a big part of the entertainment industry as the Turkish population increases in Germany. With weddings containing more than 1000 guests, the musicians explain that they got really good practice playing many different types of music from all over Turkey to keep everyone satisfied. The humorous tone of the documentary peaks at the portrayal of Turkish weddings with accounts of the unbelievable things that took place at these weddings. The style of music shifts to a oriental / western blend with electronics guitars and drums.


Finally, the film does incredibly well in narrating the pains, sorrows and discrimination the community faced and still faces to this day. It is a social issue concerning every generation which reflects immensely on the musical styles. The rise of rap and hip hop reflect the frustration of the new generations who struggle with identity issues and racism.


If you decide to see the film, watch out for the final scene after the credits. This warning was also the director’s note in the Berlinale. The whole documentary film is an incredible watch filled with memory, nostalgia and humor. The bitter sweet feeling after seeing the film lingers if you can relate.

Nihal Gürsoy

*Screenshot source: https://www.berlinale.de/en/archive-selection/archive-2022/programme/detail/202208694.html

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