A universal film dictionary

Berlinale, Turkish

EXODUS: Save Your Tears for this Movie

Directed by Serkan Nihat, EXODUS explores the drama behind migration and touches upon different figures that are bound by one fate: escaping. Premiered during the Berlinale 2024, this movie has a lot to say.

There is a Turkish saying “Geography is your fate”, it basically means where you come from designates your life. The movie both confirms and defies this notion. There are various backgrounds, nationalities, call it what you will but the tragedy behind each character is the same. They are literally on the same boat with the same fears, emotions and fighting for a basic human need: survival for life.

The finale is strong and tied to a surprise image that has been engrained in many of us recently and takes the viewer by shock. Maybe you see it coming, or you don’t but it’s real. It is tragic.

People act surprised when they hear about refugees from Turkey. It’s a reality and a movie has finally been made. Academics, teachers, doctors, students, journalists, artists. Humans..

If you plan to see the film, bring tissues and be prepared to have a tough watch because this drama hits like the waves of the Meriç* River.

*Maritsa River

*Screenshots retained from official trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8bP5JLylmA&ab_channel=EXODUS

Nihal Gürsoy

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